無限生機(雞)壺<br>Infinitely vigorous life of rooster teapot  |茶商品|紫砂茶具|單品

Infinitely vigorous life of rooster teapot

質地 Material :紫砂 Purple Sand
組 件 Component :壺 Teapot (容積約approximate volume 220cc )
2017年春開發2017 Spring Developed

自古以來,民間生活即以雞為司晨, 日見而鳴, 萬物始初醒。春種一粒粟, 秋收萬顆子, 先民企盼風調雨順,得以生機無限。
丁酉年生肖壺命名「無限生機(雞)」,即寓意時時掌握新機,則有無限的天爵之福。壺身形如金雞昂首啼鳴, 壺鈕如祥雲吉雨, 象徵著朝氣莲勃,生機滿溢。
晨起一杯茶, 振精神、開思路。手伴金雞壺, 把盞品茗, 感受歲月之靜好, 一天的活力也從此開始, 展開生機無限的樂活人生。

From ancient times, rooster crows at daybreak and everything revives. Planting a seed in Spring and harvesting tens of
thousands in Autumn. Ancestors prayed for favorable weather for plentiful harvest and boundless vitality.

This Chinese zodiac teapot represents the year of Ding-Yo. Naming "infinitely vigorous life of rooster teapot" implies
hat always grasp opportunities leads to unlimited good fortune. It is designed like a golden rooster crows with head lifting up. Propitious clouds and rains is used to describe the lid knob, and symbolizes bursting with vitality.

Morning with a cup of tea can boost your spirit and open your mind. With the Rooster teapot in hand and having a cup of tea, feeling the quiet year of good days, starting a new day with vigorous vitality and boundless LOHAS life.


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Infinitely vigorous life of rooster teapot

質地 Material :紫砂 Purple Sand
組 件 Component :壺 Teapot (容積約approximate volume 220cc )
2017年春開發2017 Spring Developed