壺紐飾以可親之虎形,象澂民間信仰之虎爺, 能咬錢招財、也是小孩的守護神。
以老虎昂首長嘯之姿,氣勢磅礴,比喻英雄人物順應時代潮流而出現, 並且對社會產生極大的影響力。
Whole square and four-footed, in the shape of a tiger.
The application of concise crest lines, represents the powerfully honorable, and bearing mighty tiger. The lid knob is adorned with the pictograph of the sweet tiger, symbolizes that folks believe in a deity (called the tiger master), and can bring wealth, or a guardian angel for a child.
The tiger in a head high roaring posture, with great majestic momentum, like the analogy, the hero figure emerges, then conforms to the trend of the times, and has a great deal of social influence.