以「當今之世,舍我其誰也?」的豪情壯志與自信為精神主軸, 取其諧音並融合「蛇」自古即充滿了許多神秘又神奇的意義, 代表著長生不老的健康象徵, 亦為許多民族的神靈圖騰, 守護神代表。
壺身設計以蛇蛋為意象,蛇形體纏繞於上, 然後引領往前躍動伸展! 以一種既守護又帶領的意境, 毫不猶豫且責無旁貸之姿, 猶似大地之母守護著我們;孕育我們; 並且給予我們生命與生機!
壺鈕則取自中國古老傳說「靈蛇之珠」, 代表著一種高深智慧的傳遞! 祈知音者能得福:「譬如隋侯之珠, 和氏之壁, 得之者富, 失之者貧。」
"In the present world, who can do it besides me?" ---From Mencius. With such lofty sentiments, such high aspirations and the confidence as the main spirit, this pot was named by the assonance of "舍" ,which sounds like "snake" . Since the ancient time, snakes had been given lots of mysterious and magical meanings:it symbolizes a healthy and immortal life, and in many tribes it is also the totem of gods, the representative of the patron.
The design of the pot body is based on the image of a snake egg, and upon it a snake shape object is entwined, which brings a feeling of forward jumping and spreading! It mixes the conceptions of protection and lead, shows a determined and responsible attitude, just like Mother Earth, who watches us, breeds us, and brings us life and vitality.
The design of the pot knob is from a legend of ancient China--- "The Pearl of Snake," which could bring people luck and wealth. It represents the passing down of a profound wisdom, and hopes it can bring good luck to every understanding one.