萬壽無疆(馬)壺壺身外形表現出馬兒健壯的體態線條, 壺底造型有別以往的圈足形制,以幾何優美曲線勾勒出可日行千里的馬腳。飄逸的鬃毛表現出逆風而進,勇往直前,毫無所懼。沒有疆縄的拘束卻帶著具有萬壽紋飾的馬鞍,寓意萬壽無疆。
萬壽無疆壺借由馬在人類文化上具有開拓發展的象徵意涵, 結合如意造型的馬鞍, 以及馬鞍上萬券紋飾, 期盼茶人在馬年開展事業時能駿業昌盛同時一切平安如意、萬毒無疆。
The vigorous , elegant horse represents the impression of good luck and prosperity in history. For horse 's capability for learning and adaptability , it benefits human in agriculture , transportation , and military force .
The pot's body illustrates the horse's energetic and healthy figure .The pot's bottom outlines the horse's strong and steady steps with delicate geometric curve . The swaying neck hair displays the horse's courageously moving
on against the wind. The saddle without harness implies the open and spirited long life.
The pot adopts the symbolization of horse's spur forward to development in human culture and combines the s-shaped (Ruyi) saddle with long life decoration . These auspicious signs of the pot bring people good luck, wealth, and lively longevity.