猴年相應「地支」為申年: 故運用其"申"之諧音: 結合中國傳奇故事中最神氣、威風的齊天大聖「猴王」代表之靈氣, 表現在申(猴)年的壺具的設計上。
壺身整體造型以美猴王分身的筋斗雲之意象為設計點; 筋斗雲代表神氣的孫悟空, 同時也代表著極限的速度感!
壺身上裝飾著傳遞速度感的浮雕雲紋, 呈現騰雲駕霧的氛圍, 有如仙境般引領出美猴王的神氣與威風!
蓋紐的挺拔猴王, 昂首傲視, 充滿著自信穩重。申猴年以“申"之諧音搭配神氣活現的大聖陣仗, 整體呈現出“申(聲)勢不凡之氣勢, 祈願猴年大順, 茶和天下“申勢不凡"!
The Chinese zodiac uses twelve animals to symbolize each year. This is from the ancient times when people explored circulation of the World and the five elements (gold, wood, water, fire, and earth). That is the beginning of the period of ten Heavenly Stems and twelve Earthly Branches.
This teapot uses its "Shen" homonym, which is the year of Monkey corresponding to "the ninth earthly branches".
In addition, it also combines with China's legendary story "Monkey King", and shows how spirited and majestic the
Monkey is on the teapot.
Designed teapot by using Monkey King' s magical cloud as an imagery, it represents Monkey King and a sense of ultimate speed.
The teapot is veined with cloudy relief which is like the fairyland. It gives sense of ultimate speed, feels like mounting the clouds and riding the mist, and leads out how spirited the Monkey King is.
On the lid knob, the Monkey King stands with head disdain and full of confidence and stability. "Shen" , the year of Monkeyuses Shen homophonic with the high and mighty King troops, showing an extraordinary feeling, wishing the year goes smoothly and successfully, tea and the world goes extraordinarily well.